
CrossFit is an inclusive, evidence based functional strength and conditioning program. CrossFit is about improving the quality of life and having fun!

Quality of life

CrossFit is for everyone regardless of age, ability, impairments and fitness. CrossFit Eudokia is fully accessible and equipped for everyone.

CrossFit is increasing work capacity in broad times and modal domains throughout life. It is improving the quality of your life, step by step. CrossFit is rewriting the script of ageing by living a healthy lifestyle. CrossFit is Healthy Ageing.

Power for health

Everyone can live a healthy life, but it is not equally easy for everyone. At CrossFit Eudokia we coach you to unleash your potential and get healthy, fit and strong on your own power. The key to lasting results.

CrossFit Eudokia created the perfect conditions for you to become the healthiest, fittest and strongest version of yourself. With our biophilic design at our location in Rotterdam, we integrated all beneficial aspects from nature inside our box for optimal physical and mental wellbeing and performance.
CrossFit Training box | CrossFit Eudokia
“Training at CrossFit Eudokia helped us complete the Nijmegen 4Days Marches!”
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"For me, CrossFit Eudokia is a unique box, especially during my pregnancy!"
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"The closely involved coaches and a group of people from all sizes, ages and levels that supported each other, gave me the confidence I needed to step outside of my comfort zone and set PRs that I would not have thought possible!"
"Meyken put me on the right track to a sustainable lifestyle of healthy eating and CrossFit. This is a life-long journey, but because I learned how to do it on my own, it is easy to stay on the right path. Without Meyken I would still be blindly walking in circles!"
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High quality coaching

Our core value is high quality coaching, simply because we care about your wellbeing! Our coaches are international certified professionals with over 30 years of experience in health and fitness, CrossFit, lifestyle, nutrition, behavioral science and coaching. We coach you in-person at our box in Rotterdam, in small groups or one- on- one with Personal Training. Lifestyle Coaching can also take place online.

We are an official CrossFit Affiliate and Academy for lifestyle coaching, accredited by the Dutch Quality Registration and Accreditation of Health Professionals, The Dutch Association of Lifestyle Coaches and The Dutch Association of weight consultants.

CrossFit Eudokia is accredited by the Dutch professional association for health and fitness as NL Actief Prevention Center with specialised coaching for seniors and for clients with a chronic condition such as diabetes, obesity, and rheumatism.

Since we are officially registered and accredited there are several options for reimbursement by your health insurance.

What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is constantly varied high intensity functional movement. CrossFit is increasing work capacity in broad times and modal domains throughout life. CrossFit is Healthy Ageing

CrossFit is centered around safety, efficacy and efficiency. It is empirically driven, clinically tested and community developed. CrossFit is supported by measurable, observable and repeatable facts. CrossFit is Life Science.

The aim of CrossFit is to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness. This means the needs of various populations differ in degree, but not in kind. CrossFit is always scalable and therefore applicable to everyone, no matter your age, abilities or impairments. CrossFit is about improving the quality of life and having fun! It makes you feel really good about yourself.

CrossFit is for everyone

CrossFit Eudokia is for everyone regardless of age, abilities, impairments or fitness; CrossFit is inclusive. The needs of various populations differ in degree, but not in kind. CrossFit is always scalable and therefore applicable to everyone. CrossFit Eudokia is fully equipped, designed and accessible for everyone.

Evidence based approach

CrossFit Eudokia Life Science & Healthy Ageing Academy is an inclusive high quality box with an evidence based no nonsense approach and a biophilic design. Our core value is high quality coaching. We do what is scientifically proven effective in health and fitness and work together with medics and paramedics.

CrossFit is addictive!

Be warned, CrossFit is addictive! It is fun and challenging. You get super fit for life and feel really good about yourself. CrossFit is a true physical and mental challenge. CrossFit makes you want to work hard and take good care of yourself and the people around you. You have to experience it yourself but once you get into it, it becomes your second nature. We love CrossFit and you are more than welcome at CrossFit Eudokia, the Life Science & Healthy Ageing Academy in Rotterdam!

CrossFit philosophy and Positive Health

Our approach is routed from the CrossFit philosophy and the concept of Positive Health: a dynamic concept in which taking control over your own life and developing the strength and power to improve the quality of your life are key points. It is about resilience and adaptability to all physical, mental and emotional challenges life throws at you.

Life Science & Healthy Ageing Academy

CrossFit Eudokia Life Science & Healthy Ageing Academy is founded from the belief that everyone can live a healthy life, but it is not equally easy for everyone. CrossFit Eudokia is an Academy. It is about learning how to create your health on your own power throughout life, in a way that fits you. We focus on your personal growth in all aspects of life, by learning with and from each other.

CrossFit in a biophilic environment

With our biophilic design at our monumental location in Rotterdam, we integrated all beneficial aspects from nature inside our box for optimal physical and mental wellbeing and performance.