For me, CrossFit Eudokia is a unique CrossFit box. No macho culture, no competitive vibe. The focus is on being your best, with committed, experienced and knowledgeable coaches to guide you. I'm already looking forward to getting back into it after giving birth!
After a car accident several years ago, for a long time I did not dare to return to the sport I loved most, CrossFit. This was due to the back pain I had suffered from the accident. In the summer of 2022, the moment finally came when I gathered my courage and entered CrossFit Eudokia. It was the best decision I could have made!
From the very beginning, the coaches at CrossFit Eudokia gave me the right guidance and confidence to take up the sport again. Thanks to their expertise and the small groups (maximum 6 people), you get the attention and guidance you need to get the best out of yourself.
After six months I faced a new challenge: I discovered I was pregnant! Great news, of course, but fatigue symptoms made it difficult to keep exercising and do other activities. In a few lifestyle sessions with Meyken, we looked at adjustments I could make, including nutrition, to get more energy. And what results! I gained insight into how to influence my energy levels, and my energy levels immediately increased as well.
As the pregnancy progressed, physical discomforts naturally increased as well, so I was no longer able to perform all the exercises in the WODs. Thanks to the commitment, good guidance and adjustments the coaches made in the WODs, I managed to keep doing CrossFit well into the third trimester of my pregnancy, and to stay fit.
For me, CrossFit Eudokiais a unique CrossFit box. No macho culture, no competitive vibe. The focus is on being your best, with committed, experienced and knowledgeable coaches to guide you. I'm already looking forward to getting back into it after giving birth!