WOD: Workout Of the Day
Within our memberships we offer daily Workouts of the Day (WOD) at our box for six athletes per class. 

Mobility WOD
The mobility WOD focusses on increasing your range of motion, to enhance your physical and mental performance during the WODs.

Skill WOD
The Skill WOD is about learning and practicing challenging CrossFit skills such handstand and pullups, at low intensity.

On Ramp
For new members without CrossFit experience, the membership start with the On Ramp: the one-time introduction course of CrossFit.

Personal Training
Additional to our schedule, we offer Personal Training on request, at the box and online.

Lifestyle and Nutritional Coaching
We also offer accredited one-on-one Lifestyle and Nutritional Coaching, in person and online. Lifestyle coaching enhances all aspects of your physical and mental health.  Covered by health insurers.