
30 kg lighter and life changing!

Daniel (38)
from Berkel en Rodenrijs
This was life changing in so many ways!

I’ve always been on the heavy side. A few years in the USA, married, children, a busy job, a lot of traveling. My life was completely out of balance. I felt that I was very sporty and had a reasonably healthy diet. But the reality was really different.  

At CrossFit I met Meyken. After the intake, the idea was to set the goal to 100 kg. At that time my weight was somewhere around 116-118 kg and 100 was a magic number for me, because I hadn’t been below that for many years.

I thought I had a pretty good idea when I started this coaching, but looking back I had no clue. It was the beginning of a journey that is far from over, but challenged and  confronted me both physically and mentally.

Eventually I lost 30 kilos. I developed healthy eating habits and integrated sports as part of my every day life. I now do competitions and challenge myself regularly to push my limits.

It was a life changing year in so many ways.  Many people ask what diet I followed. It is not a diet, it’s just eating what you should be eating and nothing more than that. Be aware of what you put in your mouth and what impact it has on your body.

I can definitely  recommend Meyken as your coach!