
High intensity sports require high maintenance

Meyken Houppermans, PhD. CrossFit Level 3 Trainer.,
Founder and Head Coach
Working out at high intensity comes with high responsibilities, if you want to prevent injuries and reap the full benefits of your training, especially as you age. You should put at least the same effort into taking care of your health as you do into your workouts.

CrossFit and injuries

The image of CrossFit as a high intensity sport with a high risk of injuries, does not reflect what CrossFit really is. CrossFit is about improving your physical, mental and emotional health. Injuries happen. During sports, but also outside the gym. 100% prevention is impossible.

The intensity of CrossFit is one of the key components for its effectiveness. In our previous article we discussed the red flags in CrossFit that, under certain circumstances, in certain individuals, can trigger injuries. Such as a lack of focus, too low or too high training volume and the influence of lifestyle factors. It is not CrossFit itself that triggers injuries. In many cases, it is insufficient self-care that is required when doing high-intensity sports.

Working out at high intensity comes with responsibilities

The physical stress that comes with high intensity sports has pros and cons. The pros are the potentially amazing results in terms of health and fitness. You will get stronger, fitter and healthier, even at an older age. The cons are that the ‘weaker’ spots of the body, the parts that have been injured before, that are underdeveloped or out off balance, will probably manifest themselves sooner. Therefore, high intensity sports require high intensity maintenance. This means consistently taking care of your physical, mental and emotional health. Every day. Daily stretching, staying active during the day, eating healthy, going to bed on time, managing stress, not delaying medical care, and following up on treatment advice and treatment.

During life, even without playing high intensity sports, weak spots of the body flare up every once in a while. That’s natural. Especially in times when stress is high and self-care is low. Many people suffer from low back pain, without a specific cause. Even thinking about it can trigger a physical and mental stress reaction, making someone more prone to an injury.

CrossFit can make you stronger and fitter throughout life as you age. In our opinion it can be an elixir for Healthy Ageing. If you are also willing to invest in high intensity self-care.

The key is being aware and convinced of the fact that your health and fitness are greatly into your own hands. Health issues can happen, but that does not mean having injuries or pain is your faith, and there is nothing you can do about it. If you want to see results, if you want things to change, you need to put in the effort.

Key message

What are you actively doing to solve and prevent your issues? Have you seen a specialist yet? Do you take up on medical advice? Do you see significant improvements after three weeks of therapy adherence? If not, are you getting a second opinion? Are you doing everything you can, every day of the year, to prevent the red flags in CrossFit? Are you doing the active lifestyle (yes, this is a verb), do you try to keep a positive mindset? Do you go to bed on time, do you invest in recovery training, mobility and stretching? Do you try to eat healthy? Are you seeking medical advice and treatment? Let’s start there first!

If you want to work-out at high intensity, you need to be ready to self- care at high intensity.

At CrossFit Eudokia we have a protocol on how to deal with injuries, illness and pregnancy during CrossFit. We are convinced it is crucial to stay active under all circumstances because it speeds up recovery and is beneficial for overall health and well- being. We consider it our responsibility to coach our athletes in making this happen. In most cases with the right training adjustments, everyone can keep doing CrossFit even with an injury, illness or during pregnancy. We offer tailor made training programs in cooperation with all health professionals involved with the athlete, and actively work together to get the athlete back on track.

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