
I keep amazing myself how much more I can handle both physically and mentally!

Corine (29)
from Rotterdam
I continue to amaze myself how much more I can handle both physically and mentally thanks to CrossFit and lifestyle coaching at CrossFit Eudokia. Precisely because of the way of coaching at CrossFit Eudokia, you work on both physical and mental health. This makes me feel more balanced than I have in the past 10 years. I have been able to break unhealthy patterns. I got in great shape and improved my self-image!

About a year ago I started at CrossFit Eudokia with a friend. I can highly recommend starting together because it's super fun and you can motivate eachother.

It was clear to me that a healthy lifestyle does not magically appear. I gained weight and the extra pounds really had to come off. My physical condition also needed some work. At a certain point in my life I stopped exercising, after always doing a lot of sports. In retrospect, the effect of this on my body but also on my mental health was many times greater than expected. Fatigue and a poor self-image made me not completely happy.

After a few months of dieting (yes, I was going through a lot with this myself) and other forms of sports, I finally decided to join Crossfit Eudokia. I walked by regularly and it seems nice. I also heard nothing but enthusiastic stories from friends who do CrossFit at several other CrossFit boxes. For me, this has been the best choice I've made in ages!

The workouts are with small groups so there is real attention to personal coaching. Despite some physical discomfort every now and then, I can always participate, with or without adjustments .This helps to prevent injuries or excessive overload.

I keep surprising myself how much more I can handle physically, but also mentally after a year of CrossFit. Precisely because of the way of coaching at CrossFit Eudokia, you work on both physical and mental health. This makes me feel more balanced than I have in the past 10 years. Furthermore, the box is beautifully designed!

At one point, I also made the decision to start Lifestyle coaching at CrossFit Eudokia. For me, this was important to do because after months of dieting, where I felt like I was being punished for every extra piece of food I took, I was developing a disturbed relationship with food. I was restricting myself from food and lost the pleasure of eating. I was not at all happy with myself, even though I had already lost 3 clothing sizes.

After an extensive analysis I started following the nutritional advice, which I am still following. I found out that I was eating too little and the goal was no longer to lose weight in an extreme way, but to maintain my weight while increasing muscle mass and losing fat. In the beginning I did struggle with eating more and different types of healthy food, but I gained much more energy by eating well. Thanks to Meyken, I was able to break unhealthy patterns, especially on a mental level, which helped me get in better shape physically. In addition, my self-image is much better.

After a few months I even started a Personal Training Program to work on recovering from reccuring low back pain. In a really short time my strength and mobility got significantly stronger, which helped to reduce the pain.  I also learned how to improve my body posture and how I could lift at work, physically demanding work, in a safe and responsible way.

I am very grateful for the help I received!
